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Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Mission Statement!

To work hard and always stay true to myself in order to achieve to goals that I have set for myself.

A mission statement is kind of like a motto that you live by. You make decision in order to follow it. I really did not know that it could come in so handy because if you see it everyday you are reminded of it and you will always have it in the back of your head.

If I wasn't taking this class I would not have thought of one and I probably wouldn't even care. I honestly don't know if I will even use it once I don't have this class anymore but Im hoping that I do because it can be very helpful and it can help me to always make the right decisions. The exercise that we used to help make your own mission statement was very simple and if I had a link to it or if I knew where I can find it I would have a link to it on this blog post but I dont.. so kllaatteesss! haha :p

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