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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sportsmanship Project

I think that this story was a great show of sportsmanship. The opposing team's players offered to help the girl go through all the bases so that she could get her homerun even though it meant that their team would loose. They didn't care, they helped her out and all because she deserved it. Sportsmanship is a great contribution to any sport and when it is there it shows a great deal of respect to the opposing team. If you treat them with respect then they will treat you with respect.. in most cases. In professional leagues such as the NBA, NFL, MLS, ect. you don’t always see that. In most cases the players only care about winning, that is what they are paid to do and that is they’re job, to win. Some teams don’t care how or what it takes to win but they would be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. It’s teams like that that don’t show you any type of respect and they would be willing to hurt a player to be better. We don’t need to see that, that just takes away from the game and if it could be possible to avoid things like that then that would be a great thing to everyone.
One Good example of bad sportsmanship was when Lakers were losing to the Mavericks in the 4th game of their playoff series. Lakers were down and they knew that they were gonna loose and that the series was over but instead of trying to go for it and give it everything they had they practically gave up and they started taking cheap shots at the other team. First Lamar Odom pretty much body slammed Dirk Nowitzki and after that Bynum did one of the hardest fouls I’ve ever seen in my life on a little guy half his size. While he was jumping for the layup, Bynum elbowed him in the ribs in mid air and he just lost his balance and fell straight to the ground. He was fine $25,000 and he will miss the first 5 games of next season, in total in was like a fine of $700,000 and he deserved all of it!


  1. Nice posting but not as nice as it's going to be when the heats losses today game !!!!

  2. ha nicee projectt' butt hope Lebron isnttt a sore loserr wenn theyy losee todayyxD lol

  3. nice sportsmanship presentation :)

  4. NICE JALE ON UR POST...GO LAKERZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
